How can we use technology and design to create experiences that tell stories, inspire innovation, and connect people?

Interactive Spaces | Experience Design | Technology and Innovation

Case Studies


Wish Tree

Ritualistic experience for the flaship jewelry store in Tokyo

Client: Boucheron
Project by: Random Studio


Sluispoort 1.0

Kinetic interiors for shared workspace (Pilot programme)

Client: Ministry of Justice (NL)
Project by: Random Studio


Vans Jambox

Interactive media experience for Vans flagship store in Milan

Client: Vans Europe
Project by: Random Studio


Salt Water Cities

Guest experience for UAE's pavilion at Floriade '22 (NL)

Client: Salama Bint Hamdan Al Nahyan Foundation
Project by: Tellart


World Expo, UAE

Wayfinding as a holistic experience

Client: Salama Bint Hamdan Al Nahyan Foundation
Project by: Tellart & KDJ


House of Artisans

Heritage crafts as interactive experiences

Client: Salama Bint Hamdan Al Nahyan Foundation
Project by: Tellart & KDJ


I collaborate with design studios, brands, and businesses to lead innovation projects creating digital & spatial experiences.

—  Concept Development & Creative Direction

—  User Experience & Storyboarding

—  Digital Design & Prototyping

—  Project Lead & Production Oversight