Future Workplace Challenge

What does the workspace of the future look and feel like? Can a space take responsibility for its occupants, adapting to various occupational needs?

Client: Ministry of Justice
Project by: Random Studio
Role: Concept design, Creative direction, User Experience

Project Overview

In 2020, Random Studio won a Dutch government pitch to innovate the Ministry of Justice building located in Hague.

Ministry of Justice building being the second largest office space in The Netherlands gave the team at Random a perfect opportunity to envision what adaptive kinetic interiors of the future might look like.



Project piloted with a semi-enclosed, re-configurable object titled Sluispoort (Water Lock). Being mounted on rails, parts of the object allowed occupants to move them creating larger or smaller spaces based on their needs (E.g. small space for 1-1, larger space for a meeting o creating a fully open space for an event. )

The feedback gained during the trial programme inspired us for the evolution of the concept. 
Creating lighter fixtures that embrace spatial fluidity and modularity. 


Digital layer

Proposed digital layer enables occupants of an entire department to track the use and book spaces for their needs.
